Monday, February 28, 2011

Austin School Board and Financial Exigency

            On Sunday, February 27, 2011, Tony Befi, an IBM executive, is vice chairman, education and talent development at the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce; published a commentary on the Austin American Statesman website called, “Befi: Austin school board should declare financial exigency."  Available globally; because on Sunday night, according to Befi, “Austin school trustees will consider declaring financial exigency, a legal declaration that allows the superintendent to eliminate jobs while minimizing exposure to lawsuits.  Financial exigency would enable the district to make dramatic budget cuts in the face of the expected shortfall in the state budget.”  It does not need to add anything, because it is full of items that attract and keep the audience.  First, the title grabbed my attention, I expected to get information that also would provide me someone else’s  point of view.  Second, he explains the relevance he has to the topic.  Also the current major pros and cons, followed by the future pros and cons, of the education system, if financial exigency is declared.  Finally, who will be affected, not only by declaring financial exigency, but any decision made.
            The commentary argues if the Austin school trustees effort, by declaring financial exigency, is effective in restructuring of the district.  This is based on the assumption the declaration would enable the district to make dramatic budget cuts, especially eliminate jobs, while minimizing itself to the exposure to lawsuits.  Values of working “towards an effective restructuring of the district,” are held by clearly defining the important terms as “the chamber urges the board to adopt a master facility plan.  Deeper alignment is needed between the strategic plan and employee goals/evaluations.  Greater focus is needed on improving high school graduation and college enrollment rates.”  The government needs to continue with the “spirit of partnership,” between the Superintendent Meria Carstarphen, school district staff, the board and even the community, to prioritize cost reductions and “continue with a positive board vote on exigency tonight.” 
            Supportive facts and evidence are provided throughout such as: who submitted and some of the ideas are: a strategic plan to reflect education goal rates, enable the superintendent to prioritize key programs, reduce central administrative positions by 30 percent, advance critical employee evaluations, a citizen panel to create the district’s first master facility plan, an increase in class sizes and finally staffing formulas for next fiscal year that are in line with comparable school districts.  I found it to be successful and convincing, because of the evidence and facts provided, the direct correlation Befi has to the subject, the connection the subject affects my everyday life, and I agree with the direction.
            The political significance is to inform that during “these challenging times force the entire community to focus on achieving our primary objectives of delivering a strong academic product and preparing our students for their future in our global community.  The affect of who gets what scarce resources, and how they get them has the potential of being eliminated.  The declaration can provide an even balance between the different students, schools, and school districts; but, making them look like the winners to many employees whom will be let go.  Thus, increasing unemployment rates as well as the need for unemployment benefits, if eligible.  The difference this commentary makes to my understanding of the way the political world works, is by providing  a more detailed and understandable explanation of why the state is making these changes, what other changes are possible and how they will be handled.  It also gives me hope that one day our all communities will be working together and more equal in the future for the evolution of the global community.